Monday, September 15, 2008

Arg! There be Fire!

This week we added to our homeschool workload with special study subjects for Child #3 and #4. Child #3 is doing an extra project on snow leopards for a Cub Scout elective. Child #4 is doing a pirate study! Here are my scrogs: Bloody Sam Flint, Captain Calico Rackham, and his First Mate, Dread Pirate Vane.We read Tough Boris, Do Pirates Take Baths?, and built the treasure chest Child #4, I mean Captain Calico Rackham, is holding. He carried a penny around in that treasure chest all day. Even when we went on a tour of a local fire station with the Cub Scout troop. He actually wore his entire costume on the field trip. That is one thing I love about our troop. No one bats an eye at a young kid wearing a costume and dominating question time when they aren't even a Cub Scout yet. One older boy gave him a piece of eight (or a Canadian quarter) and made his day.

The tour of the fire station inspired my kids to play firefighter tonight. So if you hear calls of "Fire!" coming out of my playroom, don't be alarmed. It is just imaginations at work! Child #3 picks up his phone, which is a Lego, and says, "Hello? Oh, hi Pete. Your house is on fire? Again? You dropped a match? Not again! Well, I guess I better hurry up and get over there so I can put out your fire. Okay, see you later. Maybe in 3 or 4 or 5 or 10 minutes. I have some things to do. I need to find a hose. Okay, bye!"

One last funny for the day: Child #5 says, "Mama, I got a bonky on my fivehead!" I guess she is better than the rest of us regular people who have foreheads!