Thursday, September 4, 2008

Veggie Tales

Yesterday I took the little kids to the Farmer's Market to stock up on veggies for the Vita-Mix. The kids wanted me to buy them beets. Beets? I've never eaten beets! I don't even know how to prepare beets! But the kind vegetable man told me how. And we had beets for dinner. Or as I call them, Schrute Snacks. Child #2 refused to try them, but the rest of us loved them and ate every single little piece. We also ate fresh pesto (made in the Vita-mix) on noodles, which the kids asked for seconds on, sliced yellow squash and cucumber, and a salad of dark leafy greens that were so exotic I don't even remember their names. This morning we had a smoothie made of dark leafy greens, frozen blueberries and melon, an apple, and orange juice. I feel like I am so full of fiber I may turn into a vegetable. The kids (specifically Child #3) learned about antioxidants and why they are so healthy. Now I just have to wait for the vitamins to sink into their brains (or brane as Child #3 spells it). The advice stating that kids will eat their veggies if they have some participation in the growing or buying of the veggies is so true!

I also got the boys signed up for a gymnastics class for homeschooled boys, thanks to a generous gift from the grandparents for Child #4's birthday. Because we missed one day of class, the second sibling gets a discount, and we paid our annual fee last year, I was able to get Child #3 in the class too. We have a very full schedule now and it will be a miracle if I ever get the laundry folded and put away.