Sunday, September 7, 2008

Not Much to Say...

...So how about some cute pictures instead? Above, I was trying to capture the similar mouth shape these two have. They also have the inability to be still in common.

Captain Sassy-Pants, ready to go to the pool. Oh, I guess I do have something to report after all. I actually, for the very first time, took the kids to the pool all by myself. And no one drowned. Child #5 was scared and clingy for awhile, but by the time we left she was "simming" all by herself with a float. We've decided to scrap both swim lessons and buying a bigger pool. For the low, low price of $11 per two-hour session, I can take the kids swimming and teach them myself. That is an incredible savings of ... well, at $8 per 30 minute lesson, two hours of pool/lesson time for three kids would cost $96. Not to mention the benefit of the one-on-one time with me, their teacher, instead of sitting on the side of the pool waiting their turn. And no time wasters like bobbing for toys.

Here are my "men" with their mustaches (made of yellow squash, dark leafys, blackberries, apples, and bananas). Nothing is cuter than a two year old girl squeaking, "Yook! I'm a MAN!" And how do you like those new shirts, handed down from their cousin? The green pig shirt was headed back out the door because I couldn't imagine my boys wanting to wear a neon green shirt with a big pink pig on it. But leave it to Child #4 to ask what the words on the back said, "I'm BIG on the PIG." For some reason that really tickled his funny bone and this is now his favorite shirt. And whenever he wears it, they run around saying, "I'm BIG on the PIG (giggle, giggle, giggle)! I'm BIG on the PIG (giggle, giggle, giggle)! BIG and PIG rhyme, Mama!"