Monday, August 31, 2009

New Camera and New Kitty and New School Year

My old camera finally bit the dust. I guess I dropped it off the back of the hay wagon at the pumpkin patch one too many times. My new camera is quite spiffy. It has this cool little function that recognizes smiles and will take a picture when it "sees" one. The bad thing about this camera is the pictures are so huge and take up so much memory, it takes forever to download. M likes high-quality pictures just in case we get one of those award winning shots.We also have another new kitty. Ling-Ling is a little jealous, but she will realize that with another cat around, she won't get all the unwanted attention too! Cleo is a doofus. She walked right under the muzzled, chained, panting, drooling Doberman without even realizing she could have been lunch.
And I started school today! We haven't done school work since we found out we were moving. It was nice to pull out our old friends, the school books, once more. We treated today like any other first day of school. We practiced our routine, getting the books out in the order we will use them, and talking about what subjects we are going to study. I even gave the boys their first spelling test (so I know what level to start them on).