Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Take Me Out to the Ball Game...

...Take me out to the crowd!
Send me to march in the Cub Scout parade,
You'll freak out when I never come back!
For it's look, look, LOOK for the Cub Scout,
If you want to leave it's a shame.
For the completely locked down
Until we see S again!"
Needless to say, this Cub Scout event was not as fun as we thought it was going to be.  The idea is nice: invite the Cub Scouts to come watch the Shining Light ceremony at the National Jamboree celebrating 100 years of Scouting.  Let them have a parade on the field before the game and sing the National Anthem.  Give the Scouts a free hat, meal, and let them spend the night on the baseball field after the game.  But...S got separated from our group after the parade.  He had his ticket and had been instructed how to ask for help.  But he didn't.  He just found an empty seat and sat down to enjoy the game.

Meanwhile, the entire stadium was in shut-down mode.  All gates were closed.  No one could leave.  The cops, the security, our den leaders, and M were frantically searching every nook, cranny, and boiler room.  After two full innings, our chairperson saw him several sections over, sitting all by himself.  After an exclusive interview, I found out that S didn't know he was lost.  He thought he was in his seat, but his dad was off doing something else and the rest of the pack was sitting behind him.

It all reminds me of this and this.

But all is well that ends well.  The boys spent the night in their tent on the field and were home by 7:30 this morning.