Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Cereal I Won't Buy Again

I usually stick to the cereals I know.  Chex.  Cheerios.  Raisin Bran. Grape Nuts.  Sometimes Frosted Mini Wheats, only because it has so much fiber.  We eat cereal twice a week, so we don't go through much.  And I only buy cereal at Costco because I don't want to stop at two stores with five kids just to save a buck or two.

This last trip I bought:
Kellogg's Crunchy Nut.  I don't know why.   Was I in a hurry?  Did it look nice in its box?  Is it because I live in a house full of Crunchy Nuts?  While the boys were eating this morning, they started giggling.  Well, what else is new?  They always giggle while they eat.  But this time it was because:
It's Morning Somewhere.  Can you see it there at the bottom of the box?  By that scanner thingy?  That scanner is called a data matrix.  If you scan it with your mobile phone, you can go to a webpage.  I did not look the page up, but I googled it and found someone's blog about how lame it was.  But the boys thought that it was funny because one would say, "It's morning somewhere!" and the other would turn his head quickly and say in his best Patrick, "Where?" Also?
The nutrition information is on the bottom of the box.  You can't read what you are eating until the box is gone.  Maybe so you don't spit the cereal back into the bowl mid bite when you find out you are eating sugar AND high fructose corn syrup AND honey.  I should have bought Lucky Charms!
The nerdy scientist in me want to see how many servings of sugar I was feeding my kids.  So I pulled out my handy-dandy scale of science (which also came in handy for weighing our Pinewood Derby cars).  That bowl is our Thomas the Train toddler bowl.  See how tiny it is?  And it isn't even filled up all the way?  I must have fed my boys six or seven servings of cereal this morning based on that!  And with 26 grams of carbohydrates (11 grams sugar and no fiber) per serving, yes, I think they have had enough for the day.
What do you think?