Saturday, March 19, 2011

Last Day of Winter

I think I just had the best last day of winter, ever!  Any last day of winter is good, but this one is the best!  Enjoy some pics from my wonderful day!

First, I took D and F out for a walk in the sunshine.  D had never walked outside on his own feet until today!

 Getting ready to kick the rooster!

 Sniffing the daffodils!
 Discovering purple flowers in the grass!
Boys in overalls, crawling away fast!
 Crawling after their sister!
 Purple princess!
 Soaking up Vitamin D.
 Today was the first time I realized that F was no longer a toddler, but a little girl...sigh...
Then, because M was planting his 200 baby trees, I invited my friend and her son over to help.  The boys worked on their World Conservation award for Cub Scouts by helping with the planting, and the girls sewed (we learned how to sew zippers and started to tailor-I mean "upcycle" a dress to a skirt) and chatted.  Until we went outside...
And harvested nettles for dinner!
After my friend left, I went out to find my husband who was still planting his baby trees.

I tagged along, taking random pictures of nature (we saw a coyote this morning!)...
...and chickens

And then I cooked the nettles for dinner and the kids ate them without complaining!  What a great day!