Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pinewood Derby

I guess today was just S's day.  From the moment he woke up this morning, M noticed that S was in a Zone of Good. 
Losers from past years
We've never won the Pinewood Derby.  Every year we agonize over not spending enough time researching designs or putting loving touches on the cars.  We wait until the last minute and feel so guilty when our cars don't even cross the finish line.  Like IJ's Tiger year.  We are just so busy!
 Before racing, watch SpongeBob SquarePants
 Last year wasn't as bad as 2009.  But we still lost-and S placed way down the list!  But this year... I can't believe it!!!  We actually placed!!!  S placed FIRST PLACE and E also placed FIRST for the sibling division!!!  We had some issues with getting IJ's wheels in yesterday, so we were a disappointed that his car didn't race as well.  But he was a good sport about having his siblings take both first place trophies.
After racing, watch SpongeBob SquarePants
I bet everyone wants to know our racing secrets, right?  Special tricks, engineered designs, internet research?  NOPE!  Here is S's car:
There is nothing outwardly special about this car.  It just won.  Can you see why we are so amazed?  We didn't finish sanding it, there is only one coat of paint and no shiny sealant, the extra weight was salvaged off his loser car from last year, and M drove a couple nails because we were still a bit short on weight.  There were many other cars that looked way cooler at the race and many dads who spent money on fancy designs and professional assistance (they placed 2nd and 3rd).  I guess it all came down to straight axles and wheels.  Both S and E had boring straight cars because we had no time to shape them.  When the cars are shaped, it is harder to align the wheels.

I have no pictures because I didn't bring my camera, but my friend did and she will send some to me:)