Thursday, March 10, 2011

He Rocks

Our little home school is doing a mini unit on geology.  Tomorrow we will be "rockin' at the library" with our friends and having a little show and tell with our rock collections.  After teaching the boys about rocks and minerals (and earning our geology Cub Scout belt loop), I had the boys write a story about a rock (as part of the Cub Scout academics pin for geology).  IJ one-upped my assignment with some free-form poetry.

Blasting Magma
Cooling Air
Shuffling Crust
Igneous Bloom
Stone of the Moon
Shines at light
Glows at night
Silky black of the night
Lava in flight
Cooling Rapid
Pale beauty like a moon beam
Rising rock
Makes a mound
Who dares forge
these volcano fights?
Who will pressure
Heat and stone?
A case of life
Now gone.

I don't really feel bad that I haven't done any creative writing with him.  He isn't even nine years old yet!