Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Autumn Nature Walk

Days like today can't be wasted.  There will be plenty of time to sit at the table and twaddle our days away.
 I took IJ and F on a quick nature walk around our property.  Some home school families have been picking chantrelle mushrooms, so I went on a hunt to see if we had any growing on our property.  We saw so many other species, that IJ was awed by the humungous diversity of fungus among us.

Peeking through the grass in the pasture
Shining in the sun
Hiding under leaves on the 5 scres
Under the Great Maple
On the Great Maple, and so very tiny!
Snail-like Puffball in the Old Growth Fort
Not a mushroom, but still a cool picture!
I have seen so many woolly bear caterpillars this fall.  On one 15 minute drive, I passed seven caterpillars crossing the street (I tried not to run over them)!  I think we may need to make up a new joke.  Something along the lines of...

Q: Why did the woolly bear caterpillar cross the street?
A: To get to the other side!

Just kidding.  Anyone have a better punch line?