Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter: No Plastic

 The race begins with four empty egg cartons (the baskets are trapped in the attic with the plastic eggs and cannot come out-darn).  There are 3 1/2 dozen hard-boiled eggs out on the 15 acres.
Not a single egg is plastic.  Not one has been dyed.  And not even M knows where they all are!
 The goal is to be the first to find a dozen eggs...or a half dozen if you are under 3 years old (for another week).
 The other challenge was to find the only Americauna egg.  Which S did.  He was also the only one to find a complete dozen.
 The challenge is even more difficult because the Master of Egg Hiding can't remember where he put them all.
IJ gives up and heads to the chicken coop to fill his carton with the freshest eggs you can find!  We warn him not to mix them up with the cooked eggs!
 D finds an egg!
  And eats it, Pathetic Doberman style (one stepped on egg was shared with her).
 E got the award for perseverance.  Although she didn't find a complete dozen (she had 9), she wouldn't give up until she found out the rest of us went in to eat candy.   There are still 8 eggs out there somewhere!
Each kid got one chocolate bunny, five jelly thingys, one little chocolate frog, and two little boxes of nerds.  They each heard the story of Easter, straight out of the Bible, heard the explanation of bunnies and chicks and the coming of spring and everything was all good!