Sunday, August 12, 2012

All in a Day's Work

Yep.  All in a Day's Work.  Nothing special, nothing exciting.

Most of the firewood is chopped and stacked.  Mark and the boys do this job in the morning before the sun gets hot.  The boys set a line of wood on end so Mark can chop, chop, chop.  They then stack the chopped wood or reset it.  It makes the chopping and stacking go much faster. We have double (at least) the wood we had at the beginning of last winter.  Mark has to lift the boys on top of the wood pile so they can stack it!
I'm picking the green beans and freezing them for winter.  We have a bumper crop of beans this year.  I'm loving my Food Saver for this job.  I've canned and dehydrated, but this is the first time I've blanched and frozen.  I can't believe how easy it is.  I do flash freeze the beans before I vacuum-pack them.  It keeps the water from interfering with the seal.
Thanks to the planting of an entire package of seeds, we also have a bumper crop of yellow summer squash.  I'll be making and canning relish this week.  Relish.  Every time I read that word, I want to say re-LISH instead of RE-lish.  Rhymes with delish!  I counted 30 squash in the garden and that does not include what I've already brought in.
So much for me not having anything to do with gardens this year!