Wednesday, August 22, 2012

WashJam 2012

This blog post is a bit overdue!  I blame the kids-they hog my computer with their Piano Wizard playing (I promise, I will post a review by the end of summer).  So...

...Mark, Ian, and Shane went to WashJam.  WashJam is a Scout jamboree held every four years in our lovely state of Washington.  This event cost about $30 per scout for four days and three nights of fun (you bring your own food, but water was provided), which is way cheaper than a plane ticket to the East Coast for the National Jamboree.  WashJam was held at Joint Base Lewis-McCord and over 4000 scouts attended according to the newspaper!  There were so many great activities for Cub and Boy Scouts.  Mark took as many pictures as he could before the camera died when they went swimming...
Shane and other scouts from our pack

Ian, Shane, and a Cub

Umm...Totally a Shane-ish Pirate

Ian rock climbing

Ian on the obstacle course

Yes, they actually got to drive these!

More fun courses

"Sword" fighting

Canoes (there were kayaks too)

The last picture before the "waterproof" camera died...
There was also shooting sports, a Black Hawk helicopter to explore, magic and talent shows, attacks by zombies on a hike, and all sorts of stations where Boy Scouts could work on merit badges.  I wish I could write more about how awesome WashJam was, but I wasn't there.  Maybe one of these days I can get Mark to guest blog about his time there.  You can see more pictures on the WashJam Facebook page-they aren't of my kids, but you can see all the activities.  I highly recommend that my scout friends up north come down in four years and join us!