Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hot, Hot, Hot

I don't like hot weather.  Anything over 76 degrees is too hot.  Today reached 96 degrees and the inside reached 77-one degree too warm for me!  The heat makes me grumpy and I feel like dried up vegetation ready to flame up at the smallest spark.  That is why I am so glad that Mark and the boys get to go camping this weekend.  It has been a long hot week and the week isn't over yet.  Lula doesn't like the heat either.  If she isn't sleeping, she is fussing because we are sticking to each other!  I am so thankful we replaced the windows and we no longer live in our old house.  That house reached 85-in the coolest part of the house!  I remember canning when the kitchen was that hot and wondering why all the berries needed jamming in the middle of the heat wave...

Today I covered all the windows with blankets, refused to let the kids play outside, brought the fans down from the attic, and made sure everyone drank their water.  I'm not planning on making dinner either-we are having cold cereal and maybe blueberry smoothies if I feel like making them.
Picture courtesy of my friend JB!  I stole it from Facebook!  Hahaha!
This was the funnest thing we did this week-maybe this whole summer!  My friend had this great idea to get ice blocks and go sledding.  We met a bunch of other homeschooling families at the park yesterday and swam and sledded to our heart's content.  That picture is of me going down the hill with Daniel on my lap.  Thanks J for taking pictures!  And coming up with the idea!  All you have to do is buy block ice, use an old towel to sit on, and sled!