Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bountiful Blessings

Fiona has a letter of the week.  This week, she is learning B.  She already knows B, but I'm using this as an opportunity to randomly show words that start with B and have a B sound in the middle.
Like SilverBow Farm.  We also happen to be learning about the first peoples and how nomads settled down in the Fertile Crescent to be farmers in history.
Today we were Blessed to share in the Bounty of SilverBow farm's corn crop.  I called it a field trip because we were to Be farmers for a day!
We went to this farm last year with the church's preschool play program to visit pumpkin patch (that was a lot of Ps!).  The lady who runs the farm was impressed with Ian last year and let him drive the quad!  He was pleased to help out again this year!  We picked corn:

 Lots and lots of corn!  And then we took it back to....
...the garage where we...
 ...cut the corn off the cob...
 ...and packed the corn into bags...
 ...meanwhile chowder was being made with ingredients fresh-picked from the garden and salmon pulled from the freezer labeled "Blue Moon King."  Her husband caught the salmon on the blue moon last month!  Have you ever heard of a tastier sounding soup?
 The kids were very helpful when we were picking and shucking, but boiling water, sharp knives, and kids don't mix too well.  They got busy...
...eating the raw corn!  Oh, what a heavenly sweet corn!  The corn wasn't our only blessing.  While we were cleaning up, we were told of another picking opportunity...
...Blueberries!  The Bushes have grown wild, so the kids and I Bushwhacked our way through (with Lula in the front-pack), trying to avoid Blackberries.  My smarty-pants kids said things like, "We were farmers, now we are going backwards and foraging wild berries!"
When we were finally tired (okay, when Daniel and Lula were tired) we packed up and came home.  Our grand total was twenty pounds of corn ready for the freezer and five gallon bags of blueberries.  All organic and for the price of our labor.  What an awesome experience!