Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Second Verse, Same as the First

We finished off our first day of school outside.  The sky was so blue!  We felt sorry for the kids who were stuck in their classrooms.
We did history (what are historians and archaeologists?), writing or drawing their personal histories, PE, and reading out loud together.
Running laps around the pasture-yes, I am that mean!
The second day of school is going similarly to the first.  We've had our morning distractions-this time I shattered a hot baking dish when I set it down on the wet cutting board.
So much for breakfast!
We've had our morning funnies-Daniel streaking through the house after removing his diaper shouting, "I'm nay-ked, I'm nay-ked! Ha ha ha! I'm nay-ked!"

[no picture needed-see this post]

Fiona had a number day.  I wasn't sure what she knew about numbers.  She could barely count to five two months ago which really bothered me.  My other kids could all count very young! Was her inability to count due to her large number of siblings? Or was she just not good at numbers?  I should not have worried; she can now count past 20, all with no help.  This morning, I pointed to numbers on Lula's bottle and asked her what they were.  She can read numbers up to ten!
Big Round Baby Belly! Roly Poly Arms! Love!

And we STILL haven't received all our school books, so today is short: just math and reading.  I can't imagine what a public school teacher would do if she needed to run a classroom with no books.  She couldn't call a short day and send the kids outside to forage for berries.  Or have friends over to enjoy the sunshine.  But I can!