Thursday, July 17, 2008

Little Mommy

Elizabeti's Doll, a wonderful story about a girl living in an African village who uses a rock for a baby doll, inspired Child #3 to make a similar baby doll for his forgiven sister.

She does spend a lot of time playing in the dirt with her two brothers, who have a huge influence on her (hence the swim trunks instead of a swim suit). But it is time that she has more feminine influences! She does play Little Mommy quite often and uses her Baby Sister's clothes to dress up her baby dolls. This is something her brothers never thought of to do. They were too busy playing trains or cars.

That half-eaten sandwich was stolen from Child #5 by My Pathetic Doberman, right off a chair. You know you have a good dog when they will drop tasty food snatched out of the allowable zone (lower than the table) on command. She dropped the sandwich as soon as I said her name and Child #5 picked it right up and reclaimed ownership over it, dog slobber and all. Yuck!

Baby looks like she smells something. Like Wolverine in X-Men. Could it be Child #4 sneaking up behind her?