Saturday, July 12, 2008

Strawberry Queen

The strawberries were late this year, but I guess I was even later. Desperate for jam made without high fructose corn syrup, I sent my minions to pick a flat of berries worthy of Mordor. My minions (DH, Child #2 and her boyfriend) picked two flats worthy of Mordor, so I am up to my eyeballs in jam preparation. A lot of the berries are just past peak, so we don't have a lot of options besides jam. I was able to pull off two batches of jam last night before I ran out of sugar (4 cups of berries to 7 cups of sugar!), so today I will have to get to the store for more. We have so many berries the kids can help themselves at anytime and not make a dent! Strawberries for dinner? Why not? Strawberries for dessert? Of course! Strawberries for breakfast? Please do!