Monday, October 27, 2008


Oh, dear. I've bitten off more than I can chew. I took my neighbor up on an offer for free apples and now I have (in addition to a cooler full from the last time I went apple picking) a flat, two large shopping bags, and a backpack full of apples. I canned 7 pints of applesauce and have two layers of leather dehydrating. And I made an apple crisp last night. Good thing I have so many kids!I took my so many kids to the Harvest Party at our church on Saturday night. The kids had a blast playing games for candy. S dressed up as a pirate, IJ as a snow leopard, and E was a clown (in my old halloween costume that my mom made for me when I was 3 years old). I dressed up as a boxer so I could wear my sweatpants to church. And at the last minute, as I was heading out the door, I threaded a pipe cleaner through F's hat and made her a bug. I just love this age, when babies begin to sit on their own and reach for toys. F is so content to reach for anything. And one thing she does that my other babies didn't is purposely fall over so she can roll around. This morning I put her down at my feet and within a few minutes she was halfway across the living room, wrapped up in a ball of yarn, much like a kitten. My Pathetic Doberman still seems surprised by her on the floor and is learning to share her toys. I think she may remember when E was this small.