Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Power Outage

I mentioned yesterday that S was up at 4:45 because the power went out, right? Well, by 3:00 in the afternoon, his power went out... We knew he was tired. But we are always amazed when a tired child says, "I'm tired. I need a nap," which is what this little guy did. M and I put on Disney's Fantasia and without fail, S was asleep by the Nutcracker Suite. M fondly said, "I've been putting kids to sleep with this movie for twenty years!"

Apple Tally: 11 quarts and 7 pints of canned applesauce, 6 pints of apple butter, and three or four batches of dehydrated apple slices and I'm not even half done! I have another full-sized cooler of apples in the basement!