Saturday, October 18, 2008

Home Alone

No pictures! We are in the process of transferring everything on our computer to a brand new hard drive. And since the transfer has been running for 24 hours (and there are three more hours to go) and M is at Twin Firs for the weekend, I don't DARE go snooping around in the files to figure out where things are. Its bad enough that I'm online. But I'm bored!

I'm home alone! M took IJ and E with him. So I'm home alone with A, S, and F. And My Pathetic Doberman. I guess I'm not really alone, but it sure feels like it when A is at her friend's house, S is playing video games, and F is finally down for a nap. She must be teething or something. She has been super fussy for the last two days.

This is E's first trip to Twin Firs without me. The house is strangely quiet without her loud little voice! But I sure am enjoying some one on one time with S. He wanted to stay home so he could play video games all weekend. Too bad for him, we lost the remote control and can't change the channel to where he can play. So he is stuck playing educational video games on our other computer. I don't know when he will be ready to spend some time with me... but I'll be here when he is ready to snuggle!