Monday, December 1, 2008

E is Fwee!

After a lovely Thanksgiving, our clan headed down to our favorite farm to spend the weekend. Here we celebrated E's third birthday with some cake, VitaMix milkshakes (Caramel and Eggnog), and presents. We also celebrated this Monster starting to crawl. She figured out she could grab the long lengths of shag carpeting and pull herself along the floor... Other weekend highlights were me shooting a revolver (and actually hitting the target twice of five shots), hearing coyotes howling down at the pond (and making A and My Pathetic Doberman accompany me to the shed because I was scared to go outside), and A learning to drive a stick shift in Grandad's car. I'm not feeling too inspired to write this morning and I have a Cub Scout meeting to plan for this afternoon, so I'll just check out now!