Saturday, December 6, 2008

Shrek the Third and The Big Question

This evening IJ, E, and I were watching Shrek the Third. The scene where Fiona calls to Shrek that she is pregnant and the following line where Shrek says, "How did this happen? I know how it happened, but..." and then Donkey turns to Puss and says, "How does it happen?" piqued IJ's interest. He turned to me and asked, "How do you get a baby?" This moment was just too good to keep to myself; I really want M around to enjoy it with me. So I said, "I'm watching the movie. Can you ask me later?" which is a common answer in my house to the many questions I'm asked. E said, "You get a baby like dis," and she pantomimed picked a baby up off the floor and cradled it in her arms. I hid a smile and kept watching Shrek.

When we got to the scene where the high school student asks Shrek to the prom for her friend while chewing a wad of gum, IJ turned to me and asked, "Okay Mom. Now tell me. How do you make a b..." [Here is where I thought, "Oh no, he didn't forget and now I'm going to have to answer him."]... "A bubble with gum???"

Whew! But still, I can't believe it took him this long to ask. He is such an inquisitive kid! He asks me questions all day long! Why did he wait this long when he has memories of me being "pragnent" with E as well as F?

A tip to get kids drinking their veggie smoothie is to stick a straw in it after not letting them have straws. Tonight's smoothie is four old mushy tomatoes, some limp celery, a handful of yucky old spinach, a frozen banana, frozen strawberries, and orange juice. This one was a winner. The last one wasn't. Brussel sprouts don't make good smoothies. Especially to people who are sensitive to the taste of brussel sprouts (M) and those who are gastronomically sensitive to the members of the cruciferous family (me). Do these kids look related or what???