Saturday, December 6, 2008

EC is Too Weird

Today's topic is Elimination Communication. I thought EC was crazy. Honestly, I I have better things to do all day than watch my baby for cues to take her potty. I do have other children. And a Pathetic Doberman (which is more work than I thought, but I digress). And a husband (which is also more work than I thought- love you M!). I think it is easier to change diapers for a few years and then potty train for a week when they are older and understand consequences. But, just for fun, when I had nothing else but dishes to do, I watched F. And when I saw her getting ready, I held her over the toilet. Just for fun. Just to see what would happen.
And I do have better things to do all day, so I do not want to get caught in this elimination communication lifestyle trap.

But it works! Ahhhh... talk me down! I don't want to do this! But its so cute! When I have nothing else to do (besides cleaning, which is never done) on a weekend, I let F use the potty! All I have to do is think (!) about how long she has been dry, pull off her pants, hold her over the potty, and whisper "sssssss" in her ear and she goes! And when she is done she wiggles sideways and grins, like in the picture above, which was taken a month ago. She is so cute!

Today is Saturday and I haven't changed a poopy diaper since yesterday morning. And only one wet one today. And F is learning that she does NOT like wet diapers and she wants to use the potty. She tries to crawl away from me when I try to put a dry diaper on her. She fusses and fusses and I can't figure out what is wrong with her until I pull off the diaper and hold her over the toilet. And the light goes on in my head...she is communicating with me.

I've read stories about missionaries coming home from their trips and using the techniques they learned from the natives on their own children and never using diapers. And of course the green people love EC (I remember hearing about diaperless babies on the radio with the guest talking about holding the baby over a bush. That seemed so silly. I can't imagine running out in the winter rain with a baby that needs to go.) And then I start thinking about what people did for thousands of years before there were disposables and prefolds and washing machines and running water toilets and then elimination communication starts to make sense...

But I won't do it.