Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A New Predator

I'm tired.  Tired, tired, tired.  I'm thankful that we have Spring Break here and there is no Pioneer Club or Cub Scouts.  We still have baseball though!  I'm hoping to fold laundry today.  That is the ONLY thing on my list of things to do.  Well, maybe I'll play Battleship with IJ.  He is feeling under a lot of pressure to do better in baseball at the same time he is (half) testing for his black belt.  So we aren't doing any schoolwork.
The Cat
I assure you, this cat is HUGE.  Our normal-sized cats might come up to its shoulder.  When we first saw it pouncing on things in the pasture, we thought it was a lynx or a bobcat.  But it had a tail.  It's bigger than a coyote!  We couldn't get a good look at it until M took this picture and we could zoom in and see its face.  Locals think the wildcats hybridize with feral cats.  I'm wondering how I'm going to keep it out of my chicken yard!