Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patrick's Day...and the Day After

 F petting the cat with an ant's nest in the background
Really, I wanted to have a fun St. Patrick's Day.  But it just didn't happen.  My kids did wear green (and I wore a green hair band).  I took the girls with me to my midwife appointment, which is always fun.  The boys stayed home with Grandad because S had a fever.  We skipped baseball practice and Pioneer Club was canceled because too many people were sick.  I made corned beef and no one liked it.  We listened to Irish music during dinner and S complained how much he hated the music (he reminds me of A more and more each day).  And that was our St. Patrick's Day!
E in green (she even wore green underpants)
And the Day After... when my husband's Pathetic Doberman and my Sweet Kitty-Cat get to share the crock pot juices: