Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rockin' the Baby

M loves music.  All kinds of music.  Our music collection takes up three times the memory that our digital pictures take up.  Three times.  We've been taking digital pictures since October of 2002, all in high resolution, just in case we get that perfect picture.  And I take a LOT of pictures (and they are mostly junky snapshots).  The music collection is THREE TIMES bigger than the picture collection.

D loves rockin' to music.  He loves his dad's music collection.  He also dances to other musical things: the Vitamix, the coffee grinder, the fan.  We thinks it's awesome how babies are just born with an instinct to rock to music.

This video shows D rockin' to Eluveitie, a Swiss/Celtic folk metal band.  The album is called The Arcane Dominion and is written completely in the extinct language of Gaulish.  We never would have heard of this music if it weren't for the library.

M turns on Media Monkey's visualization module to add visual stimulation for D:
M and D sit in front of the computer, together, listening to music from all over the world (another favorite is Soname, who composes Tibetan music), watching the effects.
It's not quite Baby Einstein, so maybe we should call it Rockin' Einstein?