Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blanket Day (First REAL day of Spring)

Yesterday was awesome.  It was Friday.  We had sunny skies and a Robot Party to attend.  We had fun with our homeschooling friends and came home knowing that it was Friday afternoon, still sunny, and time to start the weekend!  I pulled out our big blankets and spread them out in the back and soaked up the Vitamin D.  There is nothing better than that I tell you!  I took plenty of pics, but D was free-ranging nakey and I am not going to post those!
And today we had some sunny skies, some grey skies, and no where to go.  So M worked on the turkey house and I put a new wardrobe piece on my almost one-year old:
 SHOES! (dirt is so much fun)

D sees an airplane
Then we headed into the chicken coop to watch the new kids to the flock.  E is such a little farm girl:
E and an austrolorp
I really wanted to photograph our pretty black star chicks now that their feathers are growing in:
A black star with austrolorps
But the chicks are very camera shy.  E had to chase them down:

And she succeeded! 
"Okay, I'm tired of the scratchy straw!"
I've joined in on a Bible reading challenge that I heard of over on Raising Olives.  I am reading the entire Bible in 90 days.  I've never actually read the entire Bible cover to cover so this will be very interesting.  I'm 10% through after nine days of reading!  And I just finished Leviticus.  Whew, that was a tough two days.  I figured if I can read Gone With the Wind, Les Miserables, and Harry Potter books, I can get through the Bible!