Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gumdrop Molecules and Race Cars

My kids have been waiting to do this for a very long time: gumdrop molecules!  First they showed me that one gumdrop is one atom.  Then they showed me that a group of gumdrops all one color is an element.  Then we created molecules, mixtures, and compounds with toothpicks!
We all enjoyed eating our creations when we were done!  After we removed the toothpicks, of course!  And the benefit of having a science-nerd mom that minored in chemistry is...
...she can make a cool molecule that actually exists!  And make her kids guess what it is!  SUGAR!  Yay!!!

And then D, who has become so much fun to play with, showed us his new talent:
Hot Wheels!  He knows how to put the cars on the tracks and he isn't even a year old yet.  Go, Speed Racer!

"I have a talent?"