Friday, April 29, 2011

The Immune System

What a crazy week!  I haven't really had time to focus on any school work with the kids or housework for that matter!  Anything that has gotten done has been done by kids working independently in workbooks (yay workbooks!) and by my mom coming and helping.

Today was just as maddening.  I'm working so hard to not only catch up, but get ahead.  And I hadn't done anything with the kids but tell IJ to watch his baby brother while I go get other things done.  While I was making dinner I put on a movie about the immune system.  How appropriate with all the hospital stuff we are dealing with, right?
So what looks like any normal kid activity, is actually a game of Immune System, inspired by the movie.  S is a virus crawling into someone's body.
The virus attacks the body, but the body fights back with its white blood cells!
This happens to be one healthy kid, so the virus is taken down with not too much effort.  I imagine the kid didn't even show any symptoms.
The virus is pinned and runs crying to his room...