Wednesday, June 1, 2011

World Conservation Award

IJ earned his World Conservation Award at Cub Scouts last night.  He has been working on it since the beginning of the school year.  He had to complete many tasks including field trips, interviewing professionals, doing science experiments, collecting and labeling nature items, and participating in a conservation project.

Scouts can only earn this award one time, and the older they get, the more requirements they have to do to earn it.  I am a firm believer in the boys understanding what they are earning and why.  Nothing bugs me more than handing a handful of patches to a Scout, asking them what they did, and watching them shrug.  IJ wanted to earn this on his own and has a passion for nature.  I helped him create a notebook/portfolio of all his work at the end of the project and kept him on task, but IJ's heart was in the project the whole time.  We are so proud!