Saturday, July 28, 2012

Beach Dogs

 M is the kind of guy who loves to take his dogs and his kids to the beach.  We have many pictures of M and the older girls with dogs from their childhood at the beach, but they are all the "old" kind of pictures that need to be scanned before they can be posted.  Some day.  Until then, we have the above pictures of M, baby IJ, and Taz on our favorite Whatcom County beach in February 2003.  This morning, M took IJ and S, Pathetic Doberman, and the Pirate to our favorite local beach.
On your marks, get set...
And they're gone!
IJ looks like his dad in this picture.
Some like swimming
Some don't!
The Pirate learned you can't sniff things under water
The boys were matched with the perfect dogs.  IJ and the Pirate love to get wet and cold.  S and the Pathetic Doberman don't.  The trip was a perfect time to give IJ some practice handling his dog in public.  He knows now that you can't just take a dog to a park and let him run around!