Monday, July 30, 2012

The Blessings of Friendship

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was blessed with a Bible study with other MOMS called The Blessings of Friendship.  Some of those mom friends still bless me today.  Click on this LINK to see what I mean!  The blessings aren't just limited to my old friends.  My new friends are continuing to bless me with their attentive care during my postpartum time.  God is good.
Grumpy Face strikes again!
She was starving, so a bottle came to her rescue!
Passed out again
The Elusive Sleep Grin
Favorite Sleeping Position

She stayed sleeping in this position on the couch for at least another hour.  At almost three weeks of age (tomorrow!), she is still so mellow and easy.  She has few needs: feed her, burp her, change her, and put her down for another nap.  When she is awake she is happy just to sit in her chair and look around.  She is right on the edge of smiles!  She gazes at our faces in her quiet alert stage and she starts to smile...but sometimes it turns into a yawn and she drifts off to sleep...