Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Kale Chips

It's hard, and a little anti-climactic, to follow a wedding post with a post about vegetables.  But here I am!

Our (okay, M's) garden is doing quite well and the green leafies need to be eaten every day.  Not just because they are good for us, but because we don't want to waste them!  I don't always feel like making green smoothies.  My fall back is adding the greens to stir fries or soups or just serving them steamed on the side.  What you hear about including children in gardening so they'll eat their veggies is true.  Even IJ is still excited about eating chard from his (M's) garden.  The kids prefer to go in the garden and pick a few leaves to munch on between huckleberry forages, but I think I may have stumbled upon a new snack...
...kale chips!  Google "dehydrated kale chips" for recipes.  I kept reading that these are just as grubbin' as potato chips-which I could not believe.  How could KALE chips be as good as POTATO chips?  Well, they are.  We ate the entire contents of three dehydrator levels right before bedtime last night.  Which is equivalent to a large bowl of freshly picked kale.  I just tossed the leaves in olive oil, lemon juice, and sea salt and dried them at 145 degrees for a few hours.  The raw food people dry at 115 degrees for a longer time, but I'm not too concerned about destroying enzymes at this point. 
The kids loved them, M loved them, and I loved them.  The best thing is...I can make them and store them for later!  If they last...

And just for fun:
 The roundest egg we've ever seen.