Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Hero

M goes back to work tomorrow.  He is needing to get things set up for his upcoming survey of Lake Cushman.  He'll be working here in the house, but he will be working and will not be at my beck and call like he has for the last two weeks.
If you can't smoke a cigar after the birth of your 8th child, when can you?
M has been awesome these past two weeks.  He has taken care of all the cooking, dishes, and child entertainment, as well as D's diaper changes.
Hiking with S and IJ
He has taken the boys out for long bike rides and hikes on the beach...
Biking with E
 ...and takes E on her very own bike rides too!  And just for fun, you can see E wearing that exact same shirt 3 1/2 years ago on her third birthday HERE
Holding LJ
 He's held the baby while I've run errands, showered, and talked on the phone...
Swinging D
...he's kept D out of trouble (most of the time) and takes over for me when D gets too crazy for me.  Like at nap and bedtime:
Creative Nap Time Solutions
Plus, he has managed to completely fill the woodshed with the firewood we need for next winter PLUS an addition cord of wood. 
Building Rockets with S and IJ
He spent a few days building and painting rockets for the annual Cub Scout rocket launch and BBQ.  And did I mention the biggest feat of all?  Taking all five of the older kids to the rocket launch? 
Do you have your exit buddy?
Oh, yes.  I think that was the biggest job of all.  I never thought he could handle the five kids in a crazy setting with explosive rockets and parking lots and hot barbeques.  But they all came home alive and unhurt.  M proved to me at that moment that he can indeed handle multiple kids in a public place...and now the secret is out!  I'm going to miss him next week.