Thursday, March 13, 2014

Heidi Update

We thought Heidi had a dairy sensitivity until we realized it was the eggs making her cry.  We had the crazy idea that maybe she isn't dairy sensitive after all... and gave her 3 ounces of formula.  That isn't very much.
That was the worst idea we have ever had.  An hour or so after drinking her bottle, she started  vomiting.  This was no spit up.  This was a full-on vomit.  After she emptied everything out of her stomach, she dry-heaved for two hours until she fell asleep.  She was choking on her stomach acids and turning red from the retching.  Scary stuff.  I was afraid that she would inhale her stomach acid or stop breathing or go into shock.  In between episodes, she just sat weakly in my arms, not moving much.  My Heidi never stops moving, so I knew she was very very sick.
I called the after-hours pediatrician and he recommended I take her in to urgent care for IV fluids just in case she gets dehydrated.  I was a wreck and agreed to go, but Mark calmed me and recommended that we just watch her through the night and avoid the thousand-dollar bill we would definitely be responsible for.  I was awake almost all night long even though Heidi slept peacefully and kept her normal bottles down with no problem.
Heidi definitely has a dairy and egg allergy and it is way more severe than I thought it was.  Ian and Daniel were given formula from time to time, including during their first week of life, and Lula was on formula full time by the time she was six months old.  None of them had such an adverse reaction ever.  I also noticed an increase in spit up when I used soy-based dairy alternatives, so I'm assuming she is sensitive to soy too.  We are ALL DONE with crying and spit up around here, so I am more than happy to cut out wheat too.  Now I just need someone to cook me a bunch of meat and vegetables because all my easy foods are no-nos.  And I need to catch up on my sleep and vitamins.  And then MAYBE we can get out of this postpartum funk and rejoin the real world.