Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pinewood Derby {LAST ONE}

Yesterday was our last year of Pinewood Derby until Daniel joins up in a few years.  I, sadly, am completely burned out on Pinewood Derbies and do not feel the bittersweet feelings that Mark feels about the boys growing up.
The 2014 Lineup, from left to right: Shane, Daniel, Evie, Mark, Fiona
This was the first year Mark raced a car.  But he didn't actually race it; Evie and I did.  Mark had to leave in the middle of the races to go teach his taekwondo class at the YMCA.  I was actually able to go out into public with six kids (Shane and younger) and survive.  We even survived a pizza dinner where we had to stand in line and get a piece of pizza and a cup of lemonade.  I'm honestly surprised we didn't drop our pizza and only spilled one small lemonade.  Heidi actually slept in the carrier!
Our pack awards trophies for siblings, but not adults.  Adults get "gag" prizes.
Shane didn't place this year, but his car was fast.  When the places are determined by hundredths and thousandths of seconds, cars can be fast to the point you can't tell them apart by only your eye.  Evie's car placed 2nd in siblings and Daniel's placed third.  Fiona was so upset that both Evie and Daniel got a trophy and she didn't.  She was busy tearfully complaining to me about life not being fair when Mark received his prize for second place.  He took one look at her big eyes and trembling lip and handed his pinwheel prize right over.  Tears begone!
The look of pure happiness and joy on her face was worth all the stress that comes with the whole Pinewood Derby experience *smile*