Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Ahead!

Daylight savings is a good time to spring ahead into my favorite season of the year!  However, my kids are ready for summer already.  Then again, a Pacific Northwest Native can't really tell the difference between spring and summer with all the rain and all...

Really, all my kids need is a sunny afternoon and a couple of blankets and a body of water and they are set!

Even Lula was released from the house so she could enjoy the sun!

The chickens, sadly, have been sold, pending pickup.  I'll keep a few, but with half the family not eating eggs and me not having the desire to wash and sell eggs, they are just taking up valuable resources.  They sold themselves in just a few minutes from this picture I posted on the local Buy, Sell, Trade page:

Don't they look happy and healthy, free ranging on all that grass?  I'll get back in the chicken business when the babies are older.

Mina is getting old and gray, just like me.  You can see all her little gray hairs on her muzzle and its taking her longer to get up out of her dog bed.  She has been my constant shadow for the last eight years.  She has accepted Heidi into the pack and brings her toys to play with.  It's gross, but cute, to see Mina gently place her deflated ball on the tray of the baby swing while Heidi stares at her all bug-eyed.  In the picture above, Mina was making sure no chickens came too close to us.  If one came inside the invisible baby circle, Mina jumped up and chased it off.  But I don't think we will ever cure her of her binky addiction:

March 2006: A bad habit begins!
It is so hard to believe that we've had this Pathetic Doberman (the original blog title) for eight years!