Monday, August 25, 2008

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

For the last two nights in a row we have watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and for two nights in a row Child #5 has fallen asleep during the movie. The movie is the version with Johnny Depp and it is much better than the version that came out when us old folks were kids. The old version doesn't follow the book too closely and has too many long, drawn out songs that just don't hold a kid's attention. This version is much closer to the book's plot and the characters have been modernized. The Oompa-Loompas, for example, are wearing vinyl suits instead of deer skins. And Willy Wonka is a scary, dark, Michael Jackson type character instead of a quirky old man that is clever like a squirrel. I told my kids that if anyone looking like Willy Wonka ever offered them a candy factory that they should run away screaming. But the younger kids, being innocent, didn't see the creepiness of Willy Wonka. They called me girlie!

Child #5 on the arm of the couch on the first night...

...And on the second night. Dogs make the greatest beds. This dog however, has developed a bad habit of wanting to sleep with us all the time. It all started at Twin Firs. We now have to block the kids' room door shut at night to keep her from crawling into the bunk beds. Last night at midnight I heard her whining in the hallway like she needed to go outside...but she was just trying to get in the bedroom! Oh, she was in trouble! This is why she is called My Pathetic Doberman. She is supposed to be watching the house at night and alerting us to car thieves and meth heads! Not looking for the softest warmest bed in the house!

Last night we also had our first official Pack meeting for the Cub Scouts. I will be the Assistant Den Leader this year for Child #3's den. I get to wear a uniform too! I will post a picture when I get all of our patches attached. Child #3 has earned his Immediate Recognition Emblem and is almost done with his Bobcat Badge.

Here he is with his two favorite things...his sister and Buttercup.