Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm Too Hot

I hate summer. My hallway is 81 degrees right now and my kitchen is much hotter. Of course boiling whole chickens because they are on sale (my activity for the day) doesn't help the heat issue. We wanted to buy a new pool today, but the stores were all sold out. I also wanted to go blueberry picking today, but it was too hot.

I did go blueberry picking yesterday, and I picked 11 pounds of berries, but they are already all gone. I can't believe we ate 11 pounds of blueberries in one day. I went with only Children #4-6 (gosh that seems like a big number). Children #4 and #5 behaved themselves nicely; they didn't eat any berries. But they kept asking me, "Can I put this berry in my bucket? And this one? Can I put this one in too?" until I snapped, "If the berry is blue, put it in the bucket!!!"

Yesterday afternoon, I was the designated Taekwondo watcher and DH was the stay-at-home kid watcher. DH received an important call while on duty and when he came back inside, Child #5 was missing. He searched throughout the back of the house and found her like this:

Strange how my kids have a habit of going off and falling asleep... Maybe I should make them take naps again?

Child #3 is now old enough to work the camera. His favorite subject is the Baby. I have over 20 versions of this:
But isn't that just sweet? My, what big eyes you have...