Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Oldie, but Goodie

Every other August or so, my good friend from college surprises me with a visit from Japan. She usually calls me when she reaches our town, so really, we are surprised to get a visit. Last night I received such a call. So this morning (after a panicked cleaning), at the request of Child #3, we looked through old digital photographs for pictures of my friend. We found some, but we also found a lot of old funny pictures that have great stories attached to them. Back then I didn't have blog, so I guess I will be going back in time to share some of the most hilarious moments...

The Night Child #3 Crashed, Literally

It was a dark and stormy night. I had taken Child #4 with me to a La Leche League meeting, which back then was my only source of socializing. Child #3 was left in the care of his loving father. Now, Child #3 was a very difficult child to get to sleep at night. We used to have to go through a long bedtime routine that involved movies, nursing, rocking, story reading, and binky sucking. And more stories and rocking. But this particular night was worse than normal. DH just couldn't get him to go to sleep. Child #3 ran in circles around the house, around and around, and all DH could hope for was that he would finally wear himself out. Child #3, on his victory lap, ran through the living room, around the corner by the dining room table, and back into the kitchen where DH heard a loud crash...and silence. He got up, walked into the kitchen, and saw what it pictured:

Child #3 crashed on the floor, sound asleep, after crashing into the cupboards.