Monday, June 29, 2009

Bear Out There! Part 2

This morning, My Pathetic Doberman was heard barking on the hill. She came when she was called and was obviously upset. M thought she saw a deer. Or a bear. She was an extra alert whenever we went out to play today and did annoying things like bark at the wind. Here is one of the trails leading up to the Upper Pasture:

Now, I posted earlier that the big garbage can water storage idea didn't work. So M invested in some Ooze Tubes to keep his precious baby trees hydrated.

Mr. Bear found those too. Perhaps he thought they were big juicy donuts! You can see the perfect imprint of his teeth:Now the trees are fenced and we will see if the bear is too lazy to get through the fence for a drink of water.

Here's our house!And here is who came to visit tonight:My Pathetic Doberman saw him from the back door and gave a warning bark. M grabbed the camera and went outside to sneak up on him and take this picture. E thinks we should name the bear Dum-Dum because he pulled up one of the baby trees. M thinks we should name him George because he is very curious.