Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Holiday, Another Project

After a looong week, we look forward to our three day weekends (and forced day off Tuesday), don't we?  Until we try to be productive.  And install a door.  And find a rotten floor.
"I just missed that electric wire!"
All we want is something to go simply!  But instead we have that can of silly string!
"Spiders and bees nests and insect damage, Oh My!"
While M works on home improvement projects, I am getting our Cub Scout uniforms ready for our first den meeting tomorrow.  M will be the leader for the Wolves, S's den.  I'm the assistant leader, so I'll be getting his activities set up for him every week.  And doing the Scout things he doesn't like to do, like sell popcorn.
One patch down, about 20 left to do...
Yesterday, the boys and I sold popcorn for three hours.  We sold $230 in popcorn and got about $85 in donations.  IJ is quite the little salesman.  He knows how to charm the ladies and impress the men.  He got $20 from one man just because he said "Yes, sir!" when asked if he listened to his parents and his leaders.  He has his routine down.  He says with his big hazel eyes and sweet innocent face, "Would you like to help support the Cub Scouts?"  When someone says they don't eat popcorn, S chimes in with, "We also accept donations!"  They usually laugh and give them each a dollar.  And those dollars really add up!  We earned just about enough to cover their membership fees for the year!

I drove 270 miles between Thursday and Sunday.  Thursday was doctor day (D is 18lbs, S is being referred to an ear, nose, and throat specialist, and F's arm is just fine), the first day of homeschool roller skating, and IJ's soccer practice.  Friday was zoo day.  Saturday was S's soccer practice, cleaning out the Scout closet, and a BBQ potluck.  Sunday was popcorn and a trip to the hardware store, and buying the new carpet!  And tomorrow the week starts all over again...

Maybe next week I'll write up a post on what we are using this year in the homeschool...  I'll just toss in another I Love Homeschooling! moment: We watched the new Clash of the Titans last night.  IJ and Grandad sat around before the movie discussing Greek mythology like two old scholars; IJ even corrected Grandad on whether it was Icarus or Daedalus that melted his wings when he flew to close to the sun!  That's pretty cool, considering Grandad was alive in ancient Greek days and saw everything first hand.  The other cool part was that we covered the ancient Greeks two years ago.  So his retention of information is incredible.  I live in a house of know-it-alls.