Friday, September 10, 2010

Homeschool 2010-2011 Part 1

Finally, at 7:00 in the morning on a Friday, I have found a little time to post about what we are doing this school year!

I've always been an eclectic homeschooler, using bits and pieces of many homeschooling philosophies to get the job done.  I take into consideration the kids' learning styles, my learning style (which translates into my teaching style), the kids' likes, dislikes, and natural rhythms.  For example, IJ is a night owl and not at all ever an early bird.  He loves to read.  He loves History.  So sometimes I send him to bed at 8:30 and let him stay up until 9:00 reading a book about Pocahontas.  He thinks he is getting a great treat and I can check another school item off my list.

At the very core of my homeschool is my database.  I'm using Homeschool Tracker Plus to keep track of our daily work and assignments.  This is a very powerful program and it took me awhile to get acquainted with all the different functions.  I have to spend time every day entering assignments, but I can also run reports at the end of the month that shows exactly what each kid did.  I never really needed this program until this year.

The other important part of my homeschool is my schedule.  I am by nature a laid-back, relaxed, go-with-the-flow kind of person.  I have a higher tolerance for some kinds of clutter-like school books (not magazines and junk mail) than my husband.  But going with the flow in this house doesn't work!  I can't sleep late and feed my kids at the same time!  I can't get our laundry done and go to soccer!  So I'm a slave to the clock.  And so far it is working.  I'm probably doing a good thing with this self-discipline.  I'm hoping talking with IJ about some of these habits will inspire him to have more self-discipline.  And now I must stop because the clock says it is time for me to make some eggs for breakfast!