Monday, September 20, 2010

Five Kids at Five Months

I was going through old pictures this evening and came across this fun collection: The 5 Month Old Baby Discovers The Furry Family Member

Dobermans are comfort-seeking dogs.  They love attention and warm fuzzy things like blankets, stuffed animals, and babies that smell just ripe enough to eat.
IJ and Taz
IJ Loves Taz!
The first thing IJ crawled for was Taz's chew toy.  Taz was a great at sharing!

S sharing his blanket
See what I mean about fuzzy warm blankets?

We lost Taz when he was six years old to a heart attack.  I was pregnant with E at the time.  He was a stinker, barked at bikes and baby carriages, and stole ham off the counter, but he was always, always gentle with the kids.  After E was born, M brought home his Pathetic Doberman.
E's Tasty Toes!
She was still a baby herself and spent less time being gentle and more time chewing and biting and making my life hell.
E hears a secret
But this is a cute picture anyway.  Funny, I think I found that exact pacifier in the back yard, half-digested!
F finds The Doberman
Pathetic Doberman had mellowed out just a tad by the time F joined the family and served as the title of my original blog... mostly because she caused me so much grief!
F gets her face washed!
But she still liked to lick the babies.  And drum roll please....
D and Pathetic Doberman
D discovered the Pathetic Doberman today!  He squirmed over to her and started chewing on her collar...while she was still wearing it!
"Mmmm! Yummy!"