Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby's First Food

Today we reached a great milestone in that journey we call babyhood.  Baby D got his first "solid" food! I believe in waiting for signs from the baby that he is ready to start solids instead of looking at the calendar.  I think D's signs of watching us eat and drooling and trying to grab our food is a good sign.

"Wah! I'm hungry!  I'm starving to death!"
Every other baby got that iron-fortified instant rice cereal.  This baby got iron from a green source: spinach smoothie!  My smoothie!  I told M just yesterday that I wasn't going to give him a smoothie as his first food.  But after he started grabbing my glass and crying, I gave in.
"Hmm...cold texture flavor on mama's finger"
"Wow, I taste something!"
All of the ingredients are found in commercial baby food: spinach, peas, peaches, and water.  But these were fresh and tasty! 
"I like it!"
"I need MORE!"
"Oh, thank you!  I thought I was going to DIE!"
His face was getting too messy with finger feeding, so I switched to a spoon.  But this didn't deliver enough of the goods, so he went after the cup!  And took big gulps!
"I better get some before it's all gone!"
Before I knew it, everyone wanted my smoothie!