Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fiona's Special Day

Fiona was a super-star today!  First we went to her dance class where she started learning her recital dance for June's performance.  She gets to stand in the front of the group for the tap portion (get ready for some cuteness!):
Evie made the movie and DANIEL provided the naughty sound effect.  It was completely unrelated to the dance because he was facing me.  I gave him a little cheek squeeze and told him he was being naughty.  He said, "I'm passing gas noise!"  So ignore Daniel and watch how cute Fiona was...until we got in the car, ran some errands, and headed home.  Then she said, "I'm a sweetheart, but Daniel's a sweet FART!"  UFF DA! I said to her!  "Well, Dad says it!"  Just because we hear Daddy say something does not mean you should repeat it!

When we were unloading the car, Fiona dropped a gallon of milk, right on the carpet!  The jug burst open and spilled everywhere!  She ran outside crying to tell me, but Ian was quick to respond and got the milk into the sink and was running down the hall with a stack of towels by the time I got inside.  We soaked up the spilled milk, I told Fiona not to cry over the spilled milk, and then we had to steam clean.  Once upon a time, I couldn't possibly get anything done while I had babies awake, and I certainly couldn't do anything while they were asleep either because I might wake them up.
What was I thinking?  It's easy to steam clean with a baby on the floor!