Monday, March 11, 2013

Lula at Eight Months

Lula, at eight months of age, is perfectly content to explore the house.  She crawls from area to area, picking things up, sampling them, or whacking something to see what it sounds like.  She prefers to do the one knee, one foot crawl.  It won't be long before she is walking around! She already takes steps when I hold her hands!
Something captures her attention! A noise!  What could it be?  She crawls over to investigate. (See the one foot?)
Oh, guineas!  They are so loud and strange sounding.  She has her own exclamation of excitement.  It sounds like she is clearing her throat and laughing at the same time.  She does it when she sees the chickens and when she hears the water in the bath running.  And when she sees her family.

When you see her make the face on the left, you can be sure the face on the right is close behind!  She does not like being startled or surprised.  This morning, Mark got flat on the floor to be face to face with her.  He didn't jump at her or growl, but just the fact that his face was not six feet in the air bothered her and she cried.
She forgives us quickly though.  And laughs when she sees these pictures of herself!  In fact, she is trying to climb up the keyboard to get a closer look at herself!