Friday, March 8, 2013

Kingdoms Outside

For those of you who are my friend on Facebook, you already know that I sent the kids outside few weeks ago for some "hands on history."  Their goal was to mimic what they have learned about kingdoms and empires and leaders trying to take over the world.  My goal was to get them outside so I could have some quiet knitting time by the fire.  Little did I know this game would get them outside on any dry day!
Today, Lula got to join everyone outside!  She spent a little time sitting on the blanket and ripping up grass...
 ...and then she was off and crawling through the grass!
She loved it when Fiona hauled her back to the blanket.  I went out into the woods to see the kids' kingdoms and offices.
IJ and Daniel conduct some rock business
Fiona did not like being left behind on the blanket, but she also didn't like being in the woods!
Doesn't Daniel look happy? No nap, sunny day, siblings to play just doesn't get any better!
A good view of the newly flattened orchard. We just need to add more trees.
First vinca
First taste of dandelion!
World's naughtiest, most pathetic doberman.
So, yes, I'm guilty of wearing my slippers outside.  And Pathetic Doberman, who missed me terribly and chewed pieces out of these slippers while I was in Pennsylvania, is SO PATHETIC that she curled up with my slippers outside.  One would never believe this same pathetic dog was the one that viciously greeted the Fedex man today with every hair standing on end.
Evie loves Lula and pretended that she was her baby.  She got Lula to eat an entire jar of peas and then another jar of applesauce and blueberry!  All that fresh air made her hungry!