Sunday, March 24, 2013


Lula has discovered how to smile for the camera.  She has been so full of sweet, cheerful smiles that I'm thinking I should change her first name to Joy!
This picture is especially sweet because she is terrified of baths:
Anytime I try to put her in the bath tub, she cries and tries to crawl up the front of my shirt-much like a cat would in a similar situation (trust me, I know-and don't ask).  Today, after she ate some stinky baby food (Gerber peas), I needed to bathe her, but didn't want to deal with the crying.  So I sat her on her towel with a little soapy water and a washcloth.  By splashing and playing with the washcloth, she got herself quite clean! And the floor too! I love multi-tasking!  After her bath, she smiled some more...
...and then took a nice, long nap: